Hand numbered double sleeve vinyl
52-page hardcover artbook with a selection of V4R1's visuals + CD.
‘V4R1’ is the eponymous debut album by a Taiwan-born audiovisual group created by two Estonians – Sander Saarmets, composer and Virge Loo, visual artist. The material, recorded from 2012 to 2016, draws inspiration from the mystical island of Formosa, its nocturnal cityscapes and immense forces of nature. The resulting work consists of six audiovisual compositions.
V4R1's music abandons all that is unnecessary and focuses on individual sounds and their evolution in time. Intense slowed down (heart)beat serves as a gravitational centre for the particles revolving around it at different speeds. In time, minimal but expressive melodies start to emerge from seemingly monotonous soundscapes.
V4R1's visuals are symbiotically connected to its music – they observe and meticulously follow their sonic counterpart. In contrast to the electronic sonority of music, the animated visuals are created from hand-painted ink surfaces and drawings.
‘V4R1’ was made in Kipatauw Studio, Taipei.
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